Welcome to The Librarian!

I am Aileene, the Librarian of the Akashic Libraries of the Central Sun. I am responsible for at least 4 different Libraries – one for each time period for all that is (3 in total), and at least one additional Energy based Library. Much of this is described in my book, The Beginning of Time: A Primer for Energy Workers, available on Amazon in paperback or eBook. I also have oversight responsibility for the Akashic Libraries for all Universes.

The purpose of this website is to provide information that is not contained in the book, and to answer any questions people may have about the nature of creation.

I have been pretty diligent about doing one post every other day. A listing of the latest changes to this page will be maintained at www.aileenestedman.com/changes.

As of 1 June 2021, I am now also on Facebook; my goal is to have some degree of discussion there, but I plan to put new posts up on Facebook, before they are published to the website. On Facebook, look for Aileenestedman.

A quick update (22 March 2022): We have decided that we will begin another book; this book will discuss many of the aspects of the Life Construct – How it came about (and why), the implications of Life, many of the various aspects of Life that were looked at and considered during the development of the Construct, and many other topics that we hope will be of interest. We hope to post additional information as the project continues, but are expecting that it will take several months to accomplish.

About Me

I am a retired Engineer, and I have been an Energy healer most of my adult life. I see no conflict here – engineering works with energies in many different forms, as does an Energy healer. I have long believed that there is much that science does not yet understand, but that does not necessarily mean that things that science is unable to measure or characterize are not real.

I have taught people to sense and understand the energies that are around us all on a daily basis, primarily through the use of meditation. I have taught groups how to use Energy techniques to query and interact with the energies around them, and feel those energies within people in order to see where those energy flows are not what they should be. I have used that information to then redirect energy flows to return them to what they should be.

I have only discovered my higher roles in life the last few years. While my spirit guides have regularly spoken to me, it was only recently that it was decided that I was ready to know about my true roles in existence. During an energetic meditation, I was taken to the Central Sun for the first time; when I asked why I was brought there, I was told because this is “home.” On my next energy meditation, I was taken to the Libraries at the Central Sun; when asked why I was brought there, I was told that “you are the Librarian” – Librarian in this context really meaning the keeper of all knowledge. It was at this point that I began looking through the Libraries to see what the history of existence was; this was a somewhat difficult task, because the information within the Libraries is not written in a language that exists on Terra, or that is known to the people on this planet. After working within the Libraries, I was able to compile enough information to publish my book. The translations needed to put the information into a presentable context were difficult, and some of the information did not have an appropriate language on this planet.

I am willing to answer questions that people may have, questions are encouraged. I am on Social Media (Facebook only), and I can be reached through my email, aileenestedman”at”gmail.com.

My book is available on Amazon, at the following link: